Before You Write, Prepare Before you begin writing, it is a good idea to assemble the information you will need to write your resume. Do not be daunted by the amount of information you gather, you may need only bits and pieces from documents but it will be much easier to have it ready at […]
10 Resume Mistakes
You read or heard that your resume must be one or two pages so you expand the margins and use a very small font. There is no “set” length for the resume. A better solution is to be judicious in the information that is captured. If you have a long job history you may want […]
Is The Ladders a Scam?
Written by Karen D. Swim That is the big question posed this week by Jason Alba who bravely wrote a post on The Ladders. Judging from the comments, his post touched a nerve among career industry professionals. I highly recommend that you read the post and the thoughtful comments that follow. I receive more […]
Is Your Resume the Victim of Complacency?
I am currently reading Collapse of Distinction (which is by the way a great book) by Scott McKain. McKain discusses how a failure to be distinct not only destroys business but a career. There are many lessons to be drawn from the book, and I definitely recommend it for entrepreneurs and employees but today I […]
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