According to economists and experts the recession has been over for some time and we continue to show signs of recovery. Yet, for many average Americans, the recovery has not yet become personal. Some remain unemployed or hanging on to jobs they hate for fear of being unemployed. Employment is expected to grow this year in […]
Blog Action Day – and the Age of Conversation – Servant of Chaos
The Age of Conversation Official Charity – Charity Water The first piece of news is to confirm that the charity that benefits from each and every sale of each and every book, is Charity Water. Charity Water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public […]
Corner Office – Kasper Rorsted – E-Mail Can’t Replace Interaction
Q. Do you remember the first time you were somebody’s boss? A. That was in 1989, right when I got promoted from being a sales rep in the Digital Equipment Corporation to being a sales manager at the age of 27. I had about 20 people at that point in time. All but two of […]
10 Resume Mistakes
You read or heard that your resume must be one or two pages so you expand the margins and use a very small font. There is no “set” length for the resume. A better solution is to be judicious in the information that is captured. If you have a long job history you may want […]
Laid Off in Los Angeles
I have become a statistic. I am now one of the 5.7% people without a job. Laid off, reorganized, restructured. Whatever term you choose, the result is the same – without a steady paycheck. I survived a merger and two reorganizations and now when I least expected it, the big conference call announcing the end. […]
10 Tips for Proactive Career Management
Image by Engin Erdogan via Flickr In yesterday’s post I shared the stories of two professionals laid off form their jobs. Crisis career management is always more challenging than proactive, consistent career management. Many mistakenly believe that the only way to manage your career is by doing good work, navigating office politics and developing effective relationships […]
How Inertia Can Impact Your Income
Image by kiddharma via Flickr Six months ago I received a call from Donna*, a former resume client. Two years ago, I had provided resume services to her company when they went through an acquisition and major reorganization. Donna had found work but was laid off again. Fearful of a tight job market and shrinking […]
One Step to One Job
Image by Getty Images via @daylife If you’re in the middle of a job search you’ve likely heard the news that the market is tough. The national unemployment rate in the U.S. may be hovering near 10% and CEOs may be cautious about hiring but during your job search the focus should be on you. […]
How to Stop Being a Victim and Own Your Career
I heard the soft shuffle as the man behind me took his place at the counter. The clerk greeted him by name with a smile and he responded in kind. His hair was white and his voice was raspy and tinged with defeat. She asked him about work and I watched as his already sagging […]
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